What is the Southern Baptist Convention?

What is the Southern Baptist Convention?

The core of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is YOU.  Seriously!  It’s true!  While many organizations are top down, the SBC is really bottom up.  The driving force behind the SBC is the local church filled with followers of Christ.  As with any large group of people, there will be differences of opinion.  When it comes to spirituality and those pesky theological matters it can be magnified.  Add in a rounded scoop of social media and the whole internet can be a raging fire.  At least for the 100 that indulge in such ways!

I digress.

As a convention, we cooperate together on a few fundamental ideas.  We try to give grace where there is gray, but hold firm where there is not.  Each June, churches sent representatives (messengers) to meet together for a large business meeting.  On Sunday night and Monday there are conferences for renewal, reminder, and encouragement.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be business meetings mixed with worship.  This year we met in Birmingham, Alabama.

For 2 days a year, we are a convened convention.  We hear reports from our mission agencies, seminary presidents, Lifeway, WMU, Guidestone, executive committee, and president.  We discuss and vote on a budget, committee nominations, resolutions, and motions brought to the floor that are not referred to a standing committee.  When the gavel closes the meeting on Wednesday afternoon/evening we depart.  During the time between meetings, we authorize the executive committee to “run the business”.  There are boundaries, of course, and when a decision is outside those boundaries it is held until the national convention the next year.

This year, the problem of sexual abuse in our churches was discussed.  Check back to see what was decided and how we at FBC Crowley are working to provide a safe and secure place of worship and service.

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